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The Lawyer BFF Blog

"Work is love made visible." Kahlil Gibran

Career, meet fun. Let's make lawyering a little brighter, together. β˜€οΈ

Your Voice, Your Vote Sep 14, 2024

As someone who used to do voting rights work, I know the history of what it took to get ALL Americans the right to vote. My first year in law school I was even present in person as the Supreme Court of the United States - with Justice Thurgood Marshall still on the bench - announced an important Voting Rights Act decision. 

No matter where you are, or who you want to vote for, the right to vote is what this country is founded upon. 

Mental Health & Lawyer Support Sep 08, 2024

September is Suicide Awareness Month. 

Did you know lawyers are twice as likely as non-lawyers to consider suicide? A 2023 study in Healthcare found male lawyers, lawyers working extremely long hours, and young lawyers face higher suicide risks. This also particularly impacts lawyers of color: a study by the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism revealed that lawyers of color are uniquely impacted with 31% of Black lawyers,...

September Reset Sep 02, 2024

I like to hit a soft "reset" button each month and to take stock of the prior month. And with September being here, that "back to school" feeling I hope is energizing you a bit more, too.  Below is a coaching tool I use personally - and with professionals I work with - that is a nice easy way to transition from one month to the next.

This is your reset, so there are no right or wrong ways to do this, and no limit on the number of answers...

The Lawyer Pleasure Diet Playbook Aug 25, 2024

I've been cooking up a little something fun while my daughter's been at sleepaway camp this summer - an interactive ebook called the "Lawyer Pleasure Diet." 

What in the world is this, you might be asking?  Well, it's a "diet" where you add fun to your days in little doses and then notice how it counterbalances the stress you're under. 

What makes a pleasure diet magic is that it's not about taking anything away ... because...

Career Coaching Tool: "Hamilton" Aug 18, 2024

One resource I love recommending every lawyer seeking inspiration and energy is Lin-Manuel Miranda's amazing play "Hamilton," adapted from the Ron Chernow biography of the same title. 

Not only does is Alexander Hamilton's actual life story inspire, but Miranda's work in bringing the play to life - which took years - has an interesting parallel to Hamilton's persistent work ethic. Ultimately, "Hamilton"  was the winner of the 2016...

Summer Reading Aug 04, 2024

I listened (and then read) two books about client care and service that I can't recommend highly enough.  The first - Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara was written by one of the famed restauranteurs who created the #1 restaurant in the world - Eleven Madison Park. I saw this book mentioned in an article related to the Netflix "The Bear" show (haven't seen it, though) and it's an absolute inspiring delight. The restaurant ("EMP" for...

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The Must-Reads

Welcome Mixtape

Summer Reading

Lawyer Pleasure Diet Playbook