
Put your most brilliant foot forward.

The Job  Jumpstart 

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Changing Jobs is a Big Deal.

There's so much to do, plan, and process. You have so much to handle - including processing big emotions. 

You might even feel stuck and paralyzed.

I get it - I've been there too.

The trick in this kind of transition is organizing all the pieces you need so you feel

confident and energized in who you are and what you have to offer.

This Job Jumpstart will get your job search ducks in a row - your resume and cover letter, LinkedIn presence, elevator pitches, and interviewing skills ...

all the assets you need to start your search: polished, ready, & robust.

You'll also get a lexicon to describe - robustly and energetically - who you are, what work do, & who you'd love to serve. What is important to you. How you make a difference. 

Make Amazing New Doors Open For You Every Day.


The Plan:

The Jumpstart will deliver: 

    • Immediate Confidence: Our course will bring you fast, measurable results.  From the moment you start, you'll be equipped with actionable strategies that you can use right away.
    • Support for Stressful Transitions: We know you may be feeling overwhelmed, so we provide practical tools as well as emotional support so you feel more in control and confident.
    • Tailored for Lawyers: We know the legal industry inside and out. This course is designed with your specific needs in mind, offering insights and advice that are directly applicable to your legal career, from understanding firm cultures to mastering the nuances of legal networking.
    • Expert-Led Modules: Learn from top legal career strategists who have successfully guided countless lawyers through career transitions. Their insider knowledge and proven methodologies will give you a competitive edge in the job market, no matter how uncertain or stressful your situation may be.
    • Flexible Learning: This on-demand course fits into your busy schedule. Access the content anytime, anywhere, and learn at your own pace. Whether you're preparing for interviews, planning your next move, or simply exploring new opportunities, our course is ready when you are.

Your Career Upgrade Awaits:

Be Ready to Roll With Energy & Confidence in Just a Week.

Immerse yourself in this program, and in one week you will feel oh-so-different than what you may feel today. 

Don’t leave your career progression to chance. Invest in yourself with a course designed to deliver quick, lasting results while providing the support you need during stressful transitions. Whether you're seeking a lateral move, a promotion, or a complete career change, we'll give you the tools to know you're putting your best foot forward. 

"Marianne is like the horse whisperer, but for professionals." 

Dr. E, Coaching Client

Here's what you'll learn

Some of what you'll learn in this course


Detailed Workbook

Detailed Video Modules

In Your Pocket

Meet your mentor

Hi, I'm Marianne

I've been a lawyer for over 30 years, and I've changed jobs many times - I've even pivoted careers entirely.

I've been honored that people turn to me regularly to help lend a strategic and supportive supportive hand in dusting off resumes, building LinkedIn profiles, and polishing interviewing skills. 

I want to help more lawyers navigate job challenges, so I created this course just for you. 

I’m here to make the process a little easier. I’ve spent a lot of time helping lawyers own their expertise, upgrade the language they use about themselves, and put their most amazing foot forward. 

My approach is straightforward and practical—no gimmicks, just real advice that has worked for the many lawyers I've worked with. 

We're behind you all the way.

Your Job Acquisition Action Plan

1. Join The Jumpstart

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details. Notice how this first step already makes you feel more in control. 

2. Dive in 

The program will hold your hand and will give you tons of ideas. Feeling stuck - even paralyzed? No worries - you have lifetime access to the course. And we also give you tools to help process those feelings and keep moving forward. 

3. Notice your confidence build

When you harness all the things that make you GREAT, you know amazing doors will open for you every day.  We're excited for you.  

I'm ready