
The Lawyer BFF Bookstore

"Books are a uniquely portable magic." Stephen King


Lawyer BFF curated a special book list on just for lawyers looking for new ideas. What you'll find are books that range from professional development to poetry, from Michael Jordan's professional trainer to rapper 50 Cent, from five-star restauranteurs to epic biographies of Muhammad Ali and Steve Jobs, all of which we hope will cultivate your confidence and creativity. 💥 is a platform that supports local booksellers, so while you might save a few bucks on Amazon, if you purchase from you can know your money is supporting independent bookshops in our communities. We also get a small affiliate commission if you purchase any of our books on its platform.

Have any books you love that should be added to our storefront? Please send your recommendations to [email protected].   

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This first-of-its kind career guide & planner for women lawyers is packed with weekly planner pages, monthly themes, beautiful images, inspiring quotes, business development ideas, professional & personal toolkits, journal pages, and so much more. Use it to create an amazing year of success.

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